
I’ve f.ucked up my blog. Since I am too damn tired to figure out how I did it and since there aren’t very many posts on it after this one about daughter number two’s graduation, I am making this the default until I can get my s.hit together and figure out what I did that screwed the other one up! Stay tuned.

10 responses to this post.

  1. Aggghhh! That’s infuriating! My sympathies.


  2. I’m holding my breath, so HURRY!!!!!


  3. Wanted to drop in a wish you a happy holiday and new year.


  4. Have a great new year, Traci!

    Let me know if you want any help on the blog.


  5. happy new year hunny! love ya too xx


  6. I recently discovered your blog. I was friends with Arvilla Sikes in California around mid 1970’s. She had a daughter name Carol.


  7. Fix it! We miss you.


  8. Traci,
    Someone sent me this link. I have been reading for hours, I’m sorry that I looked at your private stuff. There are no words I could utter that would express my sorrow at how I have acted and treated you. I wish I could know what I know now and start over. I can’t believe how I was acting and how callous I was. The alcohol & pain meds I was on did not help the situation at all.
    My feelings for you have grown stronger as I read how brilliant, dynamic etc. you are. You are the best Mom in the world. Even if we had discussed this stuff, It would not have mattered at that time. I did not have a clue!
    I have been such an absolute ASSHOLE to you and the girls. The abuse stops with me. My mind has grown clearer and I think more about kindness and care. I will not ever go back to that life again. You have shown me longsuffering kindness, love & care. Most of which I did not deserve. It has caused too much pain for you and way too much remorse for me. I wish you could try to trust me once more; I will not let you down again. I will continue to heal and move ahead. I still want you as a partner and after we are out of the recession and property values go back up, I want to sell the house and go travel with you, to all the places on your list. You are the most important thing in teh world to me Traci. I wish i could take all the pain away. I am truly sorry, I don’t kow what else to say.
    My heart is eternally yours Traci. I know now you need space and I will honor that. ~ Tim~


    • Posted by Sarah Richards on Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 1:17 pm

      Hi Tim, you seem to know this lady personally. I am hoping you might let her know that I am looking for her. Her father and my father are one in the same. I hope that she might like to get in contact with me. Many thanks.


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